Tuesday 26 April 2016
Honourable Leader of the Opposition, Mr Paul Raymond Bérenger,GCSK, MP, has given notice of the following Private Notice Question which he proposes to put to the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism and External Communications at the sitting to be held today, Tuesday 26 April 2016 at 11.30 a.m
To ask the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism and External Communications –
Whether, in regard to the Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd., he will state –
a) the proposals of Dubai Ports World for its shareholding therein and for the management thereof, indicating if Government has reached a decision in relation thereto; and
b) how the dismissal of Alain Edouard, President of the Port Louis Maritime Employees Association (PLMEA), relates to the opposition of the PLMEA to the ‘privatisation’ of the Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd. through Dubai Ports World, indicating if the latter will be re-instated?
Read more https://mmm.mu/militant/120-latest-news/1591-pnq-du-26-avril-2015-sur-le-developpement-portuaire