Tuesday 29 September 2015
Honourable Leader of the Opposition, Mr Paul Raymond Bérenger, GCSK, MP, has given notice of the following Private Notice Question which he proposes to put to the Honourable Acting Prime Minister at the sitting to be held today, Tuesday 29 September 2015 at 11.30 a.m.
To ask the Honourable Acting Prime Minister –
Whether, in regard to the Mauritius National Identity Card, he will state –
a) if, following the Supreme Court judgment, proposed amendments to the existing legislation in relation thereto will be introduced, indicating if –
(i) finger-prints are presently being stored pending the delivery of the cards after consent is obtained, post-finger print taking
(ii) finger-prints will be stored on the cards permanently; and
(iii) the cards are the property of the state; and
b) the sums paid as at to-date and due to be paid to the contractor of the project therefor, the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise and other partners?