Honourable Leader of the Opposition, Mr Paul Raymond Bérenger, GCSK, MP, has given notice of the following Private Notice Question which he proposes to put to the Honourable Minister of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection at the sitting to be held today, Tuesday 15 September 2015 at 11.30 a.m.
To ask the Honourable Minister of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection –
Whether, in regard to the State Trading Corporation, he will, for the benefit of the House, obtain therefrom, information as to –
a) in regard to diesel and gasoline;
(i) the pamount of money contributed into the Build Mauritius Fund in 2014 and estimated to be contributed thereinto for 2015; and
(ii) if the local price thereof will be lowered by 10 rupees per litre being given that world oil prices have collapsed by 60% since June 2014 and resulted in price reductions worldwide; and
b) its surplus for the year 2014 and for the period January-June 2015 respectively, indicating its accumulated reserves?