NO. 28 OF 2015
Tuesday 01 September 2015
Honourable Leader of the Opposition, Mr Paul Raymond Bérenger, GCSK, MP, has given notice of the following Private Notice Question which he proposes to put to the Honourable Minister of Financial Services, Good Governance and Institutional Reforms, Minister of Technology, Communication and Innovation at the sitting to be held today, Tuesday 01 September 2015 at 11.30 a.m.
To ask the Honourable Minister of Financial Services, Good Governance and Institutional Reforms, Minister of Technology, Communication and Innovation –
Whether, in regard to ex-British American Investment Co. (Mtius) Ltd., he will state –
- a) the estimated value of the assets and liabilities thereof, as reported by the conservators/administrators appointed therefor;
- b) the guarantees given to-date to the –
(i) 139,000 pension policy holders and 15,000 single premium policy holders of the ex-British American Insurance Co. Ltd.; and
(ii) investors of the ex-Bramer Assets Management;
- c) the number of job losses at the companies of the ex-British American Investment Co. (Mtius) Ltd., and at the other companies which transacted business therewith, as at to date;
- d) if the small suppliers of Courts Ltd. have been paid Rs 44 million; and
- e) where matters stand regarding the Apollo-Bramwell Hospital, Iframac Ltd. and Courts Ltd.?