Honourable Leader of the Opposition, Mr Paul Raymond Bérenger, GCSK, MP, has given notice of the following Private Notice Question which he proposes to put to the Rt. Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Home Affairs, Minister for Rodrigues and National Development Unit at the sitting to be held today, Tuessday 20 March 2015 at 2.00 p.m.
To ask the Rt. Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Home Affairs, Minister for Rodrigues and National Development Unit –
Whether, in regard to the sovereignty of Mauritius over the Chagos Archipelago and the so-called “Chagos Marine Protected Area”, he will state if Mauritius is
in presence of an official copy of the Ruling delivered yesterday by the United Nations Arbitral Tribunal and of the statement made on the said Ruling by the
United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office and, if so, indicate if –
(a) copy thereof will be circulated; and
(b) he proposes to carry out consultations with the Opposition before issuing any statement on the Ruling or deciding on the way forward?