We are surrounded by eerie news items: 82 fatal road accidents from January to-date, crimes and manslaughters, disappearance of young and less young people, Mauritian and foreign.  Blurring images of cameras are not reliable. Adolescents have a preference for early sex experience in promiscuous and protected habitats. The names of synthetic drugs suggest the degree of respect or retch displayed towards youngsters: black mamba, c’est pas bien etc..

The corruption by drugs, the assault and killing of people in the country, the incapacity to identify bodies or the inability to trace the criminals, or even the amnesia which nips court witnesses is worrying, to say the least.

When the old aged Prime minister forgets to stand up and sit down at the beginning and at the end of a P.Q a child will tell you the country is sleepwalking and the people are becoming unwilling victims of carelessness. Awaiting a junior officer to investigate his senior.

The country is too small for criminals to go free with their victim’s blood, for bouncers to hit at will, for people to disappear and for adolescents   to cycle their drugs, worse for drugs to ‘enter’ the island. Too small for land police to be incompetent, for coastguards to snail pilot their dinghies.

Favouritism, nepotism, cronyism, give me the word for self selection like when the chairperson becomes the director, in brief a spate of discrimination and disregard for other people’s opinions. Recruitment  in catimini far from public eyes. How do you expect then that the people, lepep, would trust a regime pregnant with hungry worms.

Our country should not appear outwardly beautiful but bones and uncleanliness within.

Should it take us centuries to call her “Mother Mauritius’’?


Dr Kwan

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